JCDL Conference 2007

    May 21, 2007
    Advance Registration ends
    May 17, 2007
    Deadline to obtain conference rate at the Westin Bayshore
    April 9, 2007
    Revision deadline for accepted submissions
    March 24, 2007
    Doctoral Consortium abstracts due
    February 5, 2007
    Short papers, posters, workshop & demonstration proposals due
    January 29, 2007
    Full papers, panel & tutorial proposals due


The conference hotel, the Westin Bayshore, is a resort hotel on the water’s edge, with sea and mountain views and easy access to the 1000-acre Stanley Park, as well as the city’s shopping and restaurants.

Westin Bayshore

The conference rate for JCDL 2007 delegates is $218 CDN [Currency Converter] for single/double occupancy. The deadline to obtain the conference rate at the Westin Bayshore is May 17, 2007. Click here to book a room at the conference rate.

The Westin Bayshore
1601 Bayshore Drive
Vancouver, BC V6G 2V4
Phone: (888) 219-2157 or (604) 682-3377
Fax: (604) 687-3102

To schedule a shuttle from Vancouver International Airport to The Westin Bayshore call (604) 946-8866 or 1-800-668-3141.

Driving directions to the Westin Bayshore:

From Vancouver International Airport
Take Grant McConachie Way over the Arthur Laing Bridge. Take the Granville Street (GS) Exit. Follow and go over the Granville Street Bridge. Get off at Seymour Street turnoff, turn left onto Georgia Street, and turn right onto Cardero. The resort is located on the left.

From Seattle
Take Highway 99, which turns into Oak Street. Turn left onto 41st Avenue. Turn right onto Granville Street and go over the Granville Street Bridge. Take Seymour Street turnoff, and then turn left onto Georgia. Turn right onto Cardero. The resort is located on the left.

A map with driving directions to the Westin Bayshore is provided on the hotel web site.